Al Carlson
VP of HR, Talent Management & Leadership Development | Employee since 2017
VP of HR, Talent Management & Leadership Development
After four years with Otter Tail Corporation, BTD's parent company, Al joined the BTD team. Al has brought his drive to help employees develop into passionate leaders to BTD. He believes everyone should have the opportunities and responsibility to be fully engaged in the business, and he strives to create that type of environment every day.
"Working with our talented team is so rewarding. Our people are great!"
When did you start at BTD?
January, 2017
Education Information
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Masters in Business Leadership
Prior Positions
4 years at Otter Tail Corporation as Director of Talent Management & Leadership Development, 27 years at Pella Corporation in Manufacturing, Sales and HR leadership positions
What are you most passionate about in the business?
Creating environments at BTD Manufacturing where every employee has the opportunity and responsibility to be fully engaged in our business.
What gets you motivated in the morning?
Having the fortune of working with all of our talented people at BTD each and every day is rewarding. Our people are great!